7 Side Hustle Ideas for Students and Anyone Else to Start Making Money

3 min readMay 12, 2024


Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

When young adults reach the age of 18, 19, and 20, they are often told that going to university guarantees a high-paying job. However, this notion is not as accurate in today's world as it might have been in the past. While education is valuable, relying solely on a degree for wealth might not be the most effective approach. It's crucial for students and anyone else interested in financial independence to explore side hustles that have the potential to grow into significant sources of income. Here are seven side hustle ideas that can be started this year, applicable to students and individuals worldwide.

1. Faceless Short-Form Content Creation
Daniel Bitton is a prime example of someone who turned creating short-form content on Snapchat into a lucrative venture, earning half a million dollars monthly at just 16. This success is attributed to the high demand for original content across various social media platforms. To excel in this field, understanding human psychology and creating engaging content is vital. Rating: 4/5 in terms of learning time, 1/5 for investment, and 1/5 for difficulty in making $1,000 monthly.

2. Investing
Although not technically a side hustle, investing can yield significant returns. With platforms like Trading 212, even beginners can start with minimal investment and automate their investments. Rating: 1/5 for learning time, 1/5 for investment, and 1/5 for ease of making $1,000 monthly.

3. Discord Building
Building and managing Discord servers can be highly profitable, with the potential to earn substantial monthly incomes. Rating: 2.5/5 for learning time, 1/5 for investment, and 1/5 for ease of making $1,000 monthly.

4. Online Coaching
Online coaching in various fields, not just limited to fitness, has become a booming industry. Offering personalized services can lead to significant earnings. Rating: 2/5 for learning time, 1/5 for investment, and 1/5 for ease of making $1,000 monthly.

5. AI Animation
Utilizing AI for animation services can be a game-changer. While AI tools assist in the process, mastering animation skills is crucial for success. Rating: 4/5 for learning time, 1/5 for investment, and 2/5 for ease of making $1,000 monthly.

6. Reselling Luxury Items
Reselling luxury items, especially online, has become increasingly profitable due to global reach and social media. However, thorough knowledge of the market and authentication is essential. Rating: 4/5 for learning time, 3.5/5 for investment, and 1/5 for ease of making $1,000 monthly.

7. Dropshipping
Dropshipping involves selling products without holding inventory. It requires marketing skills and finding reliable suppliers. Rating: 3/5 for learning time, 2/5 for investment, and 2/5 for ease of making $1,000 monthly.

In conclusion, while traditional paths like university education have their merits, exploring side hustles can lead to financial independence and diverse opportunities. Each side hustle requires varying levels of learning, investment, and effort to reach the goal of making $1,000 monthly. It's essential to choose a side hustle aligned with interests, skills, and market demand for optimal success.




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